Seeking to be Biblical Christians in a global age, participants in the Global Anglican Future Conference are busy proclaiming Jesus Christ faithfully to the nations by making disciples, evangelizing those who don’t know Jesus, and speaking into corruption, economic injustices, and moral concerns in their local communities. Here are just a few stories from around the world.
By Dolores Vargas
I was a first-time delegate at the 2019 Provincial Assembly. There were so many God-loving Anglicans, a sea of collars both young and old, both women and men. Excitement and anticipation around the release of the new Book of Common prayer was felt throughout the conference center. First stop for me was of course registration then beeline to the book store for my own copy. I saw delight on the faces of all as they were handed the first edition, the feel of the book cover, the feel of the pages on our hands. Many asked “could more be purchased, yes the volunteers answered”. My friend Beth Conkle bought seven to give as gifts. I also sensed an underlying sigh of relief, that in the ten years ACNA has been around, this priority project was complete; truly something that was done by the grace and strength of God and the wonderful people on the task force |
November 2024
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